EPA site inspection at Maddingley Brown Coal.



MBC is committed to managing operational impact on the local environment. We have many measures in place to protect our water, air and soil and to limit litter.

The MBC landfill is regulated by the Victorian EPA, who require many stringent conditions on landfill operations. In addition to requiring a permit before any new project can start, the EPA also requires that all projects comply with their landfill best practice guidelines. In addition to guidelines and permits, MBC is also audited by in independent EPA auditor every year.

For more information on EPA requirements, visit the links below: 

Landfills  https://www.epa.vic.gov.au/for-business/find-a-topic/landfill

Landfill licensing guidelines  https://earthresources.vic.gov.au/legislation-and-regulations/guidelines-and-codes-of-practice


We have a number of communication channels open to inform the community and receive feedback.